providing - определение. Что такое providing
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Что (кто) такое providing - определение

Providing Urban Amenities to Rural Areas (PURA)

· & ·vb.n. of Provide.
¦ conjunction on the condition or understanding that.
If you say that something will happen providing or providing that something else happens, you mean that the first thing will happen only if the second thing also happens.
I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, providing they're not hurting someone else...
= provided


Providing Urban Amenities to Rural Areas

Provision of Urban Amenities to Rural Areas (PURA) is a strategy for rural development in India. This concept was given by former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and discussed in his book Target 3 Billion which he co-authored with Srijan Pal Singh. The genesis of PURA can be traced to the work done by Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute in the early 1990s on Taluka energy self-sufficiency. It was shown in the study that energy self-sufficient talukas can be a new development model for rural India in terms of creation of jobs and better amenities to its population.

PURA proposes that urban infrastructure and services be provided in rural hubs to create economic opportunities outside of cities. Physical connectivity by providing roads, electronic connectivity by providing communication networks, and knowledge connectivity by establishing professional and technical institutions will have to be done in an integrated way so that economic connectivity will emanate. The Indian central government has been running pilot PURA programs in several states since 2004. The Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission is a successor to this mission.

Примеры произношения для providing
1. providing.
Crowdfunding Astronomy & Google Sky _ Travis Metcalfe _ Talks at Google
2. of providing with financially providing.
When She Makes More - 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women _ Farnoosh Torabi _ Talks at Google
3. by providing patronage or providing those resources
The Billionaire Raj - A Journey Through India's New Gilded Age _ James Crabtree _ Talks at Google
4. of providing key public goods or providing
The Ideas Industry _ Daniel Drezner _ Talks at Google
5. providing transportation.
The Sharing Economy and the Future of Digital Governance _ Arun Sundararajan _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для providing
1. "The bill that is before the House of Representatives tomorrow is the bill that has got the best chance of providing liquidity, providing credit, providing money," he said.
2. "Providing services to the civilians, providing jobs and security," he added.
3. Providing Solutions Through Innovation." Innovation?
4. Q:Â Right, and who was doing –– who was doing the providing, and who were they providing it to?
5. For now, this often means providing basic learning materials, supplying copies of pamphlets and providing other supplies.